Meet Festival – Mazzara (2016)

mazara-del-vallo-i mazzara


The third edition of MEET Festival will be held from 29 september to 01 October 2016 – Mazara del Vallo(Sicily,Italy).The Festival is an annual and itinerant event, every year is hosted by a European school in cooperation with the relevant local authorities, whose application was selected during the previous year and that, on this basis, has activated partnerships and co-funding with institutions, non profit organizations,



The purpose of the MEET Festival is to create an innovative environment for schools and independent filmmakers to meet and exchange audiovisual productions realized in the field

of Youth, Education and Training in Europe.

The competitive sections promote the diffusion of films characterized by stylistic and formal originality.

The aims of the Festival are:

To facilitate a process of reflection and cultural production focused on the themes indicated by Education and Training 2020 focal points and by the Erasmus+ Programme;

To offer a point of reference to all those who have partecipated to european and international cooperation projects having realized also audiovisual products;

To promote literacy and media literacy by using medias and social medias as powerful learning tools useful to promote participative didactics;

To stimulate the development of specific narrative-expressive languages and codes in education and training area;

To create a connection between schools and the worls of cinema and audiovisual, paying attention to small production companies and indipendt filmmakers.

3.Dates and Venues

The 3 th Edition of MEET Festival will take place from 29 september to 01 October 2016 – in Mazara del Vallo (Sicily , Italy)


Section A (Educational Europe)

Participants admitted: All kinds of European primary and secondary schools.

Themes admitted: Works focused on the themes expressed in ET2020 (strategic

framework for European cooperation in education and training), on the Erasmus+

Programme priority and works produced within European cooperation and/or mobility experiences.

Stylistic Type Admitted:

Part A: Documentaries, news reports, commercials, fiction, animation movies and “hybrid” productions. (maximum length of 15 minutes.)

Part A1: Booktrailer. (maximum 3 minutes.)

Section B (Youth and training Europe)

Participants admitted: Private or public institutions, associations, universities, academies, cinema production houses, filmstudios, filmmakers, companies, etc. operating in the training world. NOT SCHOOLS

Themes admitted: Works focused on school, education and training world,, themes

expressed in ET 2020 (strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training); also works produced within European cooperation and/or mobility experiences.

Stylistic Type Admitted:

Part B: Any stylistic form is admitted. (maximum length of 20 minutes.)

Part B1: Booktrailer. (maximum 3 minutes.)

Section C (Youth Education and Training World)

Participants admitted: Private or public institutions, schools, associations, universities, academies, cinema productions houses, filmstudios, film-makers, companies, etc.

operating in training world. (outside Europe)

Themes admitted: Works focused on school, training and youth worldwide or on the Erasmus+ Programme priority also works produced within education and training cooperation projects between Europe and countries outside Europe.

Stylistic Type Admitted:

Part C: Any stylistic form is admitted. (maximum length of 20 minutes.)

Part C1: Booktrailer. (max. 3 minutes.)


TThe Festival in all its sections is particularly addressed to all those people who participate or have participated in recent years to experiences of European and international mobility and cooperation.


The Direction of Meet Festival will select the best works admitted to the festival, the Direction’s decisions are indisputable.

Works submitted must have been produced during the last 3 years, they don’t need to be premiere but must respect the requirements and characteristics listed above (see point 4 and sections regulations).

Videos which are not presented in Italian or in english must be subtitled in English.

6.Submission and preselection

Submission to the meet festival si free of charge. Submissions can only be done through the online platform on the festival website ( where participants can find all the instructions necessary to submit their entries.

All works must be submitted by 31/07/2016. Works accepted and included in the programme of the festival cannot be withdrawn.

7.File Admitted

File format admitted: mpeg2, mpeg3, mpeg4, avi, mov

Advised Resolution: non inferiori a 1280×720

Maximum dimension: 2,00 gb A transcodification of the file in a mpeg-4 format with a h264 compression is highly suggested.

(free open source software available on

8.Awards and Juries

The direction of the festival will appoint an heterogeneous jury able to judge the works submitted considering content, technical and communicative aspects, and taking into consideration how the different themes of the three sections are developed.

Furthermore, an audience award will be assigned by the attending participants.

(the direction of the festival reserves the right to remove this award also at short distance from the start ofthe festival)

Three prizes will be granted for each section, for both the official jury award and viewers’ choice award (audienceof the Festival).

The Jury’s decisions are final and indisputable.

Prizes will be delivered during the Festival award ceremony only to the author or to an official representative (if previously communicated to the direction of the Festival).

In the absence of the author or of his representative during the awards ceremony, the prize will be withdrawn and included in the prizes of the next edition of the festival.

9.Meet Festival Archive

The submitted copies of works will not be returned to the submitter, but will be stored in the multimedia archive of the Festival.

The Direction of MEETFilmFestival reserves the right to use and screen archived films and material for promotional, informational, educational, study, and cultural non-commercial


Through the request for registration, the author and / or his assignees authorize the use of the work they submit for the festival screenings to any of the afore-mentioned non


The works can also be showed in other events and festivals, displayed through press and media channels (distributed on DVD attached tonewspapers or magazines, on television with the possible participation of school groups in broadcasting and /or local broadcasters, national , thematic channels), directly disseminated by the European Commission and

spread out through institutional and news websites.

In case of objections to granting this authorization, please specify it when filling the request for registration to the Festival.

For any other purpose, a specific request for authorization will be asked to those entitled.


10.General Notes

Participation at the Festival i mplies the unconditional acceptance of all the afore mentioned Rules a n d Regulations and the authorization to use all material submitted to

promote the Festival and works in competition on any kind of media.

The Entry Form is part of the Rules and Regulations.

The present Rules and Regulations are available in Italian and English.

Should any dispute arise regarding the interpretation of these regulations,the original Italian version is to be considered binding.

The direction of the festival reserves the right to postpone, suspend or modify the event and the right to finally decide on all matters not specifically laid down in this Regulation.

Schools, training centers, associations and the filmmakers participating in the festival, makes sure that the submitted work is original and do exempt the Festival organization from any liability to third parties having in some way objections for submitted works being

used according to this Regulation.

Personal data will be processed in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003, n. 196 and subsequent amendments and additions..
